Fighting against mold not only includes getting out of areas where you are breathing it in, but also avoiding foods that are high in mycotoxins. The scary thing is that a lot of these mycotoxins are chemically stable and can survive food processing and cooking. Some of the foods highest in mycotoxins include the following:
Wheat, barley and rye, even those organically grown.
Alcoholic beverages as they are made by fermenting grains or fruits and these could be contaminated with mold.
Sugar cane, sweets: mold loves sugar!
Corn is very commonly contaminated with mycotoxins and corn is used in a variety of processed foods.
Peanut and peanut products: shelled peanuts, especially those than have been sitting in bulk bins for long periods of time are a prime breeding ground for mold and mycotoxins.
Cheese: cheeses are fermented products and the longer they age, the more mold they have.
Soybean Products
Canned fruit juices: processed juices are allowed to sit for long periods of time during processing and that can promote mold growth.
Dried fruit: the surface of dried fruits like raisins, apricots, figs and prunes is prime breeding grounds for mold.
Rice can also be contaminated with mycotoxins so it is recommended to rinse prior to cooking.
You can also be exposed to mycotoxins by consuming meat from animals who have been fed with feed that was contaminated with them.
It’s all about the total fungal load in the body and how your body is responding to it. How do your exposures stack up?