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Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) - Symptoms, Triggers, and Getting Help!

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is a condition characterized by the abnormal

activation and release of mast cell-derived mediators, such as histamine, in

response to various triggers. MCAS can have a variety of causes and is thought to be

due to a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental factors. Triggers,

such as infections, mold, stress, and certain medications, can also provoke mast cell


There are five common categories of MCAS symptoms and the first one is skin

rashes – can be hives, rashes, or itchy skin. The second one is being overly sensitive

to or allergic to many things – like chemical sensitivities – sensitive to perfume or

cleaning supplies, for example – which can cause symptoms all over the body. The

third symptom is gut issues – abdominal pain, diarrhea, and nausea especially.

The fourth symptom is nervous system issues like brain fog, short term memory

loss, or numbness and tingling.

The last symptom is circulation issues – like you feel flushed, or have palpitations.

What do these all have in common? TRIGGERS. There is always a trigger for mast

cell symptoms – such as stress, mold illness, infections, foods or medications.

Typical symptoms of MCAS are diverse and affect multiple organ systems, making it

a challenging condition to diagnose. These symptoms can vary in severity and often

occur unpredictably, which can lead to considerable discomfort and a reduced

quality of life. Schedule a consult today to get to the root cause(s) of your mast cell


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